I worked on this for two months.
STORY: A paranoid man with insomnia has intense hallucinations after being kissed for the very first time.
This animation is my own personal interpretation of the music.
Pala Leda told me to just make whatever popped into my imagination, so that’s what I did.
It follows the logic of a dream. One scene was spontaneously animated after the other, yet it’s all connected in a way. I tried to tell a coherent story with this one. I still have no idea what it’s about ultimately. But I like keeping things open to interpretation.
People seek order in the chaos. We see faces in the clouds when there really are none. We’re pattern seeking creatures. Our brains are meaning-seeking algorithms.
There doesn’t have to be a deeper meaning to everything, does there? We know sleep is vital to health, but what functions do dreams actually serve? I have heard a lot of theories for the purpose of dreams, but it may be that dreams are the byproduct of other vital process. Yet dreams feel so important because they are hallucinations based on our own memories and emotions.
We create purpose even when there is none. Or maybe the purpose is beyond what our brains are capable of understanding, so blind belief in inherent purpose is a defense mechanism against the incomprehensible terror of meaninglessness.
I don’t smoke drugs
P.S. Check out the shop if you’re interested in visuals for your music vids, live performance, or video projects!