The first flip book animations I made. Animated to my own original songs.
► The music in these videos is available on Bandcamp.
The Promise is the first animation I made at 19, and tells the simple story of a monster pursuing a man.
The Promise was in production for 2 months (2009)
I drew the hundreds of pictures on 3 x 2 copy paper and scanned them into Windows Movie Maker (not recommended). The music video morphs from one scene to the next with no real logic.
Little behind-the-scenes video for The Promise:
I was inspired to attempt animation one night after watching Ren and Stimpy as a confused and angsty teenager. I was also inspired by Chad Vangaalen, who made both the music and animation in his music videos.
My process for learning animation was trial and error. I don’t think college is necessary for animation if you have the passion to learn it yourself.
Thanks to the internet and books like Richard WIlliam’s The Animator’s Survival Kit, anything is possible! You only have to put in the time to learn and never give up!
Word Salad
I worked on Word Salad for 16 months (2010-11).
I was thinking about how language influences behavior. What you experience influences how you think; how you think influences what you do.
Words are the sperms of ideas, which get fertilized in the brain as thoughts.
Thoughts give birth to action.
Action shapes reality.
Spreading your thought through speaking, writing, or creating something that people can experience impregnates more minds with that thought. The thought spreads from mind to mind, taking on a life and culture of it’s own.
There’s a whole ecosystem of thoughts in a person’s mind. Not all thoughts are compatible. But thanks to compartmentalization, people hold many contradictory thoughts about the nature of reality all the time. This allows ideas rooted in direct experience to coexist with ideas rooted in superstition and pseudoscience.
Confirmation bias is the food that keeps venomous thoughts alive.
I drew lots of fetuses, sperms, and scenes of persecution to visualize the battle of words and thoughts that takes place in the mind,
The music in Word Salad is from my solo album of the same name.
Heal The Weak
Heal The Weak was created in 3 months (2011).
I used markers, pens and colored pencils to draw this. Each frame was drawn with no intention or storyboards. The animation is a continuous stream of weird imagery. I guess it’s about oppression or tribalism or something. I don’t remember.
The track is from The Tyranny Of Thoughts.
Visit my SHOP If you need abstract and morphing VJ Loops for Vjing and Music Videos.