Les Claypool had this to say about “Little Fishes” in a write up in RollingStone:
“I’ve had the intro vocal and melody for ‘Little Fishes’ kicking around in my head for many years,” Claypool said in a statement. “When Sean and I started working on the new record, I knew it would be perfect to develop and to add to the Delirium repertoire.
Little did I know that Micah would take that music and put such mind-bending, warped animation to it. It reinforces my enjoyment and constant amazement of how immensely creative people sometimes interpret my words and music. Bravo.”
Watch The Video Below for some Behind-The Scenes:
Brittany Penn and I animated this psychedelic music video over a 6 week period. While animating the last scenes on the deadline, there was a thunderstorm and I got shocked through my computer.
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